Enhance your appearance, build your self-confidence.
From swim suits to simple t-shirts, feeling happy with your chest size and appearance makes a big difference in your overall confidence. When you begin to feel self-conscious about your breasts or any changes that have occurred, a breast procedure at Shadid Plastic Surgery in Oklahoma City might be the solution. Dr. Derek Shadid is highly skilled in a variety of breast procedures and will work with you to discuss various treatment options to address shape, position, and volume.
Breast implant removal is a surgical procedure that extracts the implants from the breast pocket.
A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, treats issues related to droopiness from weight loss or gravity, discrepancy of the nipple angle, or the shape of the breast itself.
Breast reconstruction is a procedure that aims to reconstruct the breast(s) after events like a mastectomy, in which they may have lost the majority or even the entirety of their breast tissue.
Male breast reduction surgery re-contours the chest area by removing excess tissue and fat.
A breast augmentation adds volume and shape to the breasts, creating symmetry and allowing for proportional balance.
Breast Changes
The breasts can fall victim to sagginess as pregnancy, nursing, and the natural aging process start to take their toll. Once perky dense breasts may begin to descend and droop, giving the bust an older and more “deflated” impression.
Breasts are usually asymmetrical, meaning a woman’s breast may be a different size or shape than her other breast. Generally, a woman’s left breast is usually a little larger than her right breast.
Nipples can be large or small. They can stick out or be inverted. Inverted nipples are not a problem unless they cause difficulty during nursing. All of these are perfectly normal.
What determines breast shape and size?
The size of your breast is determined by the amount of breast gland and fat that it contains. That is why weight loss can cause your breasts to deflate, with the skin around your breast tissue losing elasticity, thus causing sagging.
The breast shape is also variable and determined by many factors including genetics, aging, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy. These factors predetermine the volume of the breast fat and glandular tissue, as well as connective tissue.
8 oz
238 mL
13 oz
385 mL
21 oz
621 mL
27 oz
800 mL
Breast implant removal, also known as explant surgery, is a surgical procedure that extracts the implants from the breast pocket. In some cases, this can be a very straightforward procedure, where the surgeon performing the implant removal can use the same incision locations as the original implant surgery, eliminating the need for additional scarring after your procedure.
When there are additional complications with implant removals, such as capsular contracture or implant ruptures, it can become more complex. Depending on the specifications of the surgery, there can be multiple outcomes, which is why it is extremely important to choose a board certified plastic surgeon, like Dr. Shadid, with the technical know-how and experience to perform your explantation surgery.
After many years of use, you might think that now is the right time for an upgrade or a refresh. Some patients might also develop reservations about the look of their old implants and desire a revision, while others may have concerns about breast implant-related illnesses (BII). No matter your reasons, breast implant removal surgery, also known as explant surgery, would be able to help you achieve your goals.
Depending on your goals for the procedure, this surgery can be performed alone or in conjunction with another treatment, such as an implant replacement or breast lift.
Some Breast Implant Illness symptoms include chronic fatigue, chronic pain, endocrine dysfunction, digestive issues, and brain fog. If you are experiencing any concerning symptoms, implant removal could be an option for you.
Breast Implant Illness
Some women may experience negative reactions to having a foreign object in their body, causing symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, hair loss, joint pain, and a long list of other symptoms. While Breast Implant Illness remains a rare side effect of breast implants, it is more commonly seen in women who already had an autoimmune disease like lupus or scleroderma when they underwent breast implant surgery or have a family history of an autoimmune disorder.
Dr. Shadid finds it imperative to remove the entire breast capsule which can be done in one intact piece called an en bloc capsulectomy where possible or a standard capsulectomy. Either way, all the foreign material is removed from your body.
A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, refers to a variety of procedures to treat many different issues. Droopiness can be extreme with the breasts shapeless and laying against the body. This can be caused by weight loss, lactation, or just gravity pulling down a heavy breast against skin that can’t quite hold up the weight of the breast. It can be mild in which a breast is full, firm and projecting, yet the nipple may be a bit low or the breast itself needs reshaping.
Dr. Shadid evaluates each patient carefully, and this attentiveness is of particular importance with breast lift surgery. There are two reasons for this: breasts change with time from the effects of gravity, aging, and hormones. The second reason is that some lift techniques last longer than others. Putting these two issues together, it is clear that experience and a thoughtful approach is very important in order to help new patients decide what lift is most likely to give them the results they strive to achieve.
The best candidates for breast lifts are:
Women who are looking for improvement in their figure and are bothered by feelings that their breasts are too low or have a sagging appearance.
Women who have a loss of breast volume following breast-feeding are typically good candidates for breast lifts.
Woman whose breasts have become smaller and lost their firmness after having children.
Women with uneven nipple placement.
Women whose weight loss has changed the shape and/or size of their breasts. You should be in good physical condition and have realistic expectations to be a good candidate for the procedure.
There is a myth that an implant is needed with the lift in order to create a nice shape. This is not true. A good lift can give an excellent shape, and an implant is only necessary for the patient wishing to go larger. Some patients who need a mastopexy because of their extensive laxity get an implant instead. While it is entirely understandable to not want the scars, trying to substitute an implant for a needed lift only worsens the problem. An implant does not correct droopiness. In fact, adding weight to such a breast, at best, only worsens the droopiness, and in order to adequately fill a lax breast envelope it may require making the patient take a larger implant than she wishes.
Dr. Shadid’s goal in mastopexy surgery is to create the most attractive breast shape possible for that patient. He is meticulous in his suturing in an effort to create the best scars. However, no matter what technique is used, a scar will be present. A breast lift is a trade-off between shape and scar. Each patient has to decide for herself what is right for her.
In all cases, a breast lift requires removal of some amount of skin. The amount and location of that removal depends upon the breasts’ shape. That is why some lift scars just go around the areola; some around the areola and down to the bottom; and others around the areola, down to the bottom, and across the bottom. All patients and surgeons want to shorten the scar, but the most important decision about the scar is selecting the one that will create the most beautiful breast shape.
Dr. Shadid makes every effort to ensure your recovery is as comfortable as possible. There are no sutures, and in most cases, no drains that need to be removed.
Certain experiences can occur in life, which leave one with the desire to rebuild what they’ve lost. Shadid Plastic Surgery offers women the chance to reconstruct their breasts after events like a mastectomy, in which they may have lost the majority or even the entirety of their breast tissue. By doing so, Dr. Shadid helps women experience a renewed sense of self-esteem and femininity. Breast reconstruction surgery techniques offered at Shadid Plastic Surgery include both expander and staged procedures. However, all variations of breast reconstruction surgeries may be discussed during your initial consultation.
This technique is a single-stage reconstruction procedure in which a breast implant is immediately inserted without utilizing tissue expanders.
The best way to determine which method of breast reconstruction surgery is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Shadid so that he can examine your body and discern the best course of action based on his professional opinion.
A breast augmentation at Shadid Plastic Surgery can add volume and shape to the breasts, creating symmetry and allowing for proportional balance. This procedure gives women with small or unevenly sized breasts a fuller, firmer, better-proportioned look through the placement of saline or silicone implants in the breast. One of the key reasons for choosing breast augmentation is the self confidence that it can provide: enhancing natural beauty and bringing back a curvaceous, youthful appearance previously lost to time.
Choosing which type of implant to receive during breast augmentation depends on the individual. This decision, and unique medical recommendation, will be discussed extensively throughout the consultation phase with Dr. Shadid.
The best candidates for breast augmentation are:
Women who are looking for improvement in their figure and are bothered by feelings that their breasts are too small.
Women who have small breasts or loss of breast volume following breast-feeding are typically good candidates for breast augmentation.
Woman whose breasts have become smaller and lost their firmness after having children.
Women who have one breast that is noticeably smaller than the other.
Women whose weight loss has changed the shape and/or size of their breasts. You should be in good physical condition and have realistic expectations to be a good candidate for the procedure.
Breast implants can be filled with either saline (water) or silicone gel.
The incision can be placed in a number of different locations. Every effort is made so the resulting scars will be as inconspicuous as possible. After the incision is made, a pocket is created under the breast tissue or under the pectoralis chest muscle. Dr. Shadid will explain the advantages of each approach during your consultation. This pocket is just large enough to accommodate the implant. The implant is then positioned to give the best cosmetic result.
Some women may experience negative reactions to having a foreign object in their body, causing symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, hair loss, joint pain, and a long list of other symptoms. While Breast Implant Illness remains a rare side effect of breast implants, it is more commonly seen in women who already had an autoimmune disease like lupus or scleroderma when they underwent breast implant surgery or have a family history of an autoimmune disorder.
Some Breast Implant Illness symptoms include chronic fatigue, chronic pain, endocrine dysfunction, digestive issues, and brain fog. If you are experiencing any concerning symptoms, implant removal could be an option for you.
Dr. Shadid finds it imperative to remove the entire breast capsule which can be done in one intact piece called an en bloc capsulectomy where possible or a standard capsulectomy. Either way, all the foreign material is removed from your body.
Dr. Shadid makes every effort to ensure your recovery is as comfortable as possible. There are no stitches or drains to be removed after surgery. You must simply wear a sports bra and refrain from excess activity for three weeks.
Augmentation Revision
Augmentation Revision is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures performed today. In most cases, women achieve the results they want, and they are happy with the outcome for many years to come. However, on occasion, if breast augmentation does not go as planned, it can result in distortion of the breasts, a less than satisfactory aesthetic outcome, and even physical pain in some cases that involve capsular contracture. Even if the first surgery went as planned, a woman’s desires for her body could change over time, leading to requests for changes in the original outcome. When either of these situations occurs, breast augmentation revision is the best way to address the concerns and create a more pleasing appearance.
Men can have undesirable breast growth from several causes, including gynecomastia, a common condition which results in excess skin, fat, and sometimes even glandular tissue in the breasts, giving them an enlarged appearance. Male breast reduction surgery at Shadid Plastic Surgery re-contours the chest area by removing excess tissue and fat. The procedure is designed to give men a tighter, flatter, and more contoured chest. Either direct excision of the fatty tissue or liposuction may be used in order to achieve optimal results.
Gynecomastia is typically not caused by a serious medical issue, although these are assessed during your initial consultation. Dr. Shadid takes down a detailed medical history, including chronic conditions and current medications, to ensure all patients are healthy.
Gynecomastia can manifest in the form of excess glandular breast tissue or excess fatty tissue. The composition of the male breast often involves both types of tissue. In some cases, excess skin is also present. The exact composition of the patient’s male breast will be determined during a consultation.
Gynecomastia is typically benign, or non-cancerous, so there is no immediate health risk. The actual increase in volume of the male breasts themselves, however, can be a source of insecurity for patients. Large breasts on men is often seen as unflattering and can reduce self-esteem.
Patients notice results almost immediately after surgery. Results continue to improve as the swelling subsides and the area heals. Scarring fades over time until it is hardly noticeable.
The chest area may be sore, swollen and bruised immediately following surgery. These side effects are temporary and subside within a week of surgery. Oral medication can be taken as prescribed to alleviate any pain.
Gynecomastia surgery patients are advised to limit their activity level and rest as much as possible during recovery. Short walks are encouraged to promote blood circulation. Bending, heavy lifting and straining must be avoided.
Every patient recovers at their own pace, and it is important to refrain from rushing back to work, exercise and other normal activities. Dr. Shadid follows up with the patient periodically during the recovery period to check the healing progress and advise when it is safe to return to regular activities.